Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Crime List

Offences List

(-) my vote / - group vote

  • Shoplifting (6) 6
  • Breaking into a car (3) 5
  • Picking a fight (8) 8
  • Drink driving (1,2) 2
  • Driving under the influence of drugs (1,2) 1
  • Solvent abuse (4) 4
  • Urinating against a wall (9) 9
  • Doing a paper round at the age of 11 (10) 10
  • Shouting racist abuse (5) 3
  • Being sold alcohol in a bar whilst under the age limit (7) 7
I found it not too easy to rate the offences myself because I was considering which would have the worst consequence and for some of the offences the consequences would be different for different people. It was not too difficult to agree on rating the offences because some of us had the same results and we agreed after we discussed. The offence that caused the most discussion was the offence of racist abuse. Some of us thought that racism is not that serious because it depended on how the victim took it. But, most of us thought that racism was close to the top of the list after driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. In the end we agreed that racism should come after drunk driving. A few factors that need to be considered when looking at people's perceptions of crime and offences are where they live and how old they are.

Which of these are crimes?
I think that all of them are crimes except doing a paper round at the age of 11

Which of them, if any, are victimless?
I don't think any of them are victimless, because all of the offences have victims.

What kinds of punishments would you give to these offences?
Shoplifting - 2 months of prison
Breaking into a car - 6 months of prison
Picking a fight - fine
Drink driving - prison and a fine
Driving under the influence of drugs - prison and a fine
Solvent abuse - prison
Urinating against a wall - a fine
Doing a paper round at the age of 11 -
Racist abuse - Prison
Being sold alcohol when underage - prison and a fine

Repeat offenders should be given a heavier punishment than the one before.

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