Sunday, September 18, 2011

Reflection : Independent Project

For my independent project I found that I did not have many problems finding information. I managed to find all the statistics, facts and articles that I needed. In the beginning, I found it difficult to come up with a key question because the topic of animal cruelty is very broad; in the end I managed to narrow my topic down to animal cruelty for clothing specifically leather and wool. I also found it difficult to clearly show the global, national and personal perspectives. After reviewing my essay, I found that I did have all the perspectives but I needed to make it clearer and explain it better. Another problem that I had was trying to make all my information as concise as possible to not exceed the word count. After I finished my essay, I found that I could have had more 'what if' scenarios, I decided to make a keynote presentation with situations and statistics to further explain my ideas.

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